
PDF/Text reader, Evernote Client, Clipboard Reader for Gear 2

What’s up everybody? Here’s my latest app for the Gear 2. It’s called: Gear Office. It includes a PDF/Text reader, an Evernote client and a clipboard reader (get phone’s clipboard). Full features list: Reader: Supports PDF/TXT file. For other file types like Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel … use the Clipboard feature to view the content.… Continue reading PDF/Text reader, Evernote Client, Clipboard Reader for Gear 2


Futuristic Watch Faces update, and new watch faces are now available!

Hi all, Today, the new update for the original futuristic watch face is available for the Gear 2. The futuristic 2 will also receive an update next week. In addition to the updates, I have two new watch faces coming out (Nemesis and Dark Lord). Please see the screenshots for more details. Note: The screenshots… Continue reading Futuristic Watch Faces update, and new watch faces are now available!