Game · General

Update, update, and more update….


My two games for Gear 2 are already live on the Samsung App Store. Check them out if you haven’t!

I found a couple of issues relate to the game speed though. Those problems will be fixed in the next update. Hopefully, the approval process is a bit shorter this time. It takes a whole week to pass the review.

Update: New game. Yes, Flappy Bird for Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo 😉 It should go live in a week 🙂


4-12-2014 9-20-09 PM


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2 thoughts on “Update, update, and more update….

  1. Hey Hoang!

    I’m a French guy and bought yesterday your first games for the new Samsung Gear.

    I just wanted to tell you that I love them! I hope you will be releasing more games in the near future and will check every day for an update. 🙂

    But I also wanted to talk about “Dummy Fish”, the Flappy Bird-like that you created. I have the Gear 2 NEO, and the game isn’t that well developed in my opinion… I mean, I love the fact that I can play a sort of Flappy Bird on my smartwatch, but it is really laggy and the hitbox of the weeds (or pipes) is terrible! I can’t even make it to 10… because even if I DO NOT touch the weeds, my fish dies and falls down…

    I really hope you will be able to fix it in an update! Also, I do not know if you thought about adding new stuff in future updates, but it would be interesting to change the color of the fish or to choose other backgrounds (such as deep and dark sea, light sea, or even some other fish painted in the background but not moving, to make it a little bit more realistic).

    Anyway, I really like your job and I totally support you. I just hope you could fix some bugs (like the lag and the hitbox in Dummy Fish as I said).

    Thank you and have a nice day! 🙂

    1. Hi there!

      Thank you for your support! I will continue to improve the quality of my games.

      I’m aware of the laggy issue on Gear 2 Neo. At the moment, the Gear SDk is still in development so there are bugs that I cannot control. My game behaves way too different on the watch. That’s not what I want.

      I have submitted an update for Dummy Fish today though. The game should be very playble in the next update 🙂

      Regarding the extra stuffs for the game, I will consider them in future updates. Thanks for the suggestion!

      Have a nice day!

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