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Bug Buster and Count Addict for Samsung Gear 2 + Update

Hi all,

My two first games for Samsung Gear 2 and Neo have been submitted to the Samsung App Store. Currently, they are in the device testing phase. Hopefully, both of them will be approved before the official launch date.

In the mean time, check out the screenshots from the store 🙂

screenshot 1 screenshot 2 screenshot 3 screenshot 4

screen 1 screen 2 screen 3 screen 4


Update: I’m currently working on a new casual game for the device. It should also be available for download before the launch date. Stay tuned!

2 thoughts on “Bug Buster and Count Addict for Samsung Gear 2 + Update

  1. I bought your bugbuster. Then it was dissapiered from store next day. Now I need to reinstall it but dont know how .

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